We can define request sets to run multiple concurrent programs and reports at once. There are two types of request sets : Private and Public. Private Request sets are created by application users that are not logged on as system administrators. These users may include any programs from their responsibility's request security group in their private request set. The application user who creates the request set will become its owner. The private request set will always be available to the owner from the SRS form, regardless of whether the private request set is within the request security group. The only exception is when we use the Submit Request form customized with restrictions. This customized Submit Request form will not include any private request sets.
System administrators can create public request sets that include any concurrent programs and reports, and that assign any application user as the owner, or choose to have no owner. System administrators can also update any request set, regardless of who the owner is. Only the system administrator can update a request set that has no assigned owner. Otherwise, both the system administrator and the owner can update the request set. System administrator and the owner can update the request set. System administrators can also define request set incompatibilities.
Request sets can be assigned to request groups, just like concurrent programs and reports. When a request set's assigned to a request group, the request set's concurrent programs and reports are automatically assigned to the request group. In the request set contains concurrent programs and reports that do not exist entire request set, and not the individual program. In addition, the application user cannot edit the request set unless they are the owner of the request set, or are connected with the System Administrator responsibility.
As a system administrator we define request sets using the navigation path
Requests/Set (If connected to responsibility other than the system administrator , we would use navigation path Other/Request/Set)When creating a new request set, we can use the Request Set wizard or simply enter the request set name and code and the application module. Again, the request set name, the request set code, and both the application modules must be unique across Oracle Applications. We can also enter the description, and if we are a system administrator, we can assign an application user as the owner. If we are creating a request set, and we are not a system administrator, we will become the owner. Next we can enter an active date range to limit when the request set is valid. Then we can choose whether we want to print all of the concurrent programs and reports in the request set together (or have each one print as it completes). Finally choose whether to allow incompatibility between other concurrent programs/reports and the request set.
A request set is composed of one or more stage, and each stage is composed of one or more requests. Stages give we the ability to run groups of requests sequentially. All requests within the stage must be completed before the next stage starts. If we do not need the capability to run groups of requests sequentially, we can define only one stage for the request set. To define a request we must first define its stages. Creating a request set that consists of two stages i.e programs and reports. For each stage we must enter a display sequence, a stage name and optionally a stage description. Also required are a stage code and a function/application. The display sequence determines the order of the stages, and the stage code is used to identify the stage internally. We must also define a function to be used for evaluating the completion status of the stage. Oracle Applications comes seeded with the standard evaluation function. Last choose whether we want this stage outcome to define the request set outcome, and whether we allow incompatibility. If we have multiple stages that can impact the outcome of the request set, then the completion status of the last stage that completes will become the completion status of the entire request set.
Click on the Requests button to enter the concurrent reports and programs we want to include for the particular stage. Unless we are a system adminstrator, the concurrent reports and or programs we may select from are limited to those in our responsibility's request security group. For each program we include , we must enter a sequence number and the program name. We can uncheck the allow stage function to use this programs result checkbox if we do not want the status of specific program to be included in calculation of the status of the satage. We can also specify print options to decide how man copies to print the print style , the printer and whether we want to save the output files.
Click on the parameters button to see and update parameters fo each request. All of the parameters related to the request will be displayed, and the sequence fieldshows the order of the parameters. We can choose whether to dsplay or allow the user to modify the parameters, and we can enter a shared parameter in the applicable field. If we enter the same shared parameter lable for multiple parameters within the request set, then at run time the user only needs to enter the value for the first occurrence of the shared parameter, and the rest of the occurances within the entire request set will default to this value. Thus, we avoid typing in the same parameter multiple times. On the request parameters form, we can also specify a default type and default value for each parameter. These values will be applied when a user submits the request. The valid default types are as follows
Constant -Use a constant value (literal)as the default value.
Current Date-The current system date will be used as default. The format of the date depends on the length of the parameter. The length of 9 will have the current date in the DD-MON-YY format while the length of 11 will have the current date in the DD-MON-YYYY format.
Current Time- The current system time will be used as default.
Field -Use the field name as default value; the value of the field will be used when submitting request.
Profile-Enter the profile option name as the default value;at the time of submitting the request the value of the specified profile option will be used.
SQL Statement-Enter the sql statement as the default value; at the time of submitting the request the sql statement wil be executed.
Segment-Enter the prior segment name as the default value; at the time of submitting the request, the current segment will use the prior segment value.
Once the stages, requests and parameters have been defined, we must link the stages to let the system know how to proceed when each stage is completed either successfully , with a warning, or in error. In our exercise, form the Request Set form, click on the Link stages button. Link the success and warning completion of the programs stage to the reports stage. Click on Done when finished.
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