Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 3

General Ledger Open Interfaces
Importing Journals
Loading Daily Rates
Uploading Budgets

We can use theree open interfaces available for General Ledger to bring information from other Oracle Applications or from non Oracle Applications and data source into General Ledger.

Use this Journal Import to integrate data from other application with Oracle General Ledger and import historical data from your previous accounting system.

Journal Import creates journal entries from accounting data you import from Oracle and other application feeder systems. For each accounting period, we can import accounting data from other journal entry. The journals are created from the GL_INTERFACE table. All data in the interface table is validated before a journal entry is created.

Use the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table in Oracle General Ledger to insert, update, or delete daily rates automatically in the GL_DAILY_RATES table. GL validates the rows in the interface table before making changes in the GL_DAILY_RATES table. Do no load rates directly into the GL_DAILY_RATES table to avoid data corruption. We do not need to run any import programs. We only need to develope a process that populates the interface table with daily rates information.

Uploading Budgets
Navigation - Budgets ->Enter ->Upload
Budget upload lets you prepare and analyze your budget outside of Oracle General Ledger, such as on a personal computer using a spreadsheet program, and then transfer your budget information into Oracle General Ledger.
If you have Microsoft excel installed, you can use Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator ADI to create budget worksheets in Excel, view and modify your budget information, and then upload revised budget information to Oracle General Ledger automatically.

table to upload budget data into Oracle General Ledger from a spreadsheet or other external source.
Each row includes the budget amounts for once account for once fiscal year by period.
When we load this table
Account combinations in SEGMENT columns must agree with your chart of accounts structure.
Budget amounts must be in the appropriate AMOUNT columns.

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