Descriptive Flexfields

Descriptive flexfield segments

•Global segments
a segment that always appears in the descriptive
flexfield pop–up window, regardless of context (any other information in your form).

•Context–sensitive segment
a segment that may or may not appear depending upon what other information is present in your form.

Implementing Descriptive Flexfields

•Define DFF columns into database (ATTRIBUTE1…N columns of the table are used to store DFF data)
•Register the table with Oracle Application Object Library
•Define descriptive flexfield fields into the form
•Register DFF with Oracle application Object Library
•Define descriptive segments
•Invoke DFF routines from your form and register the form with Oracle Application Object Library

Define DFF columns into database

Define ATTRIBUTE1 to ATTRIBUTEn segment columns into your database
•Add DFF structure /context column (ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY) into the database

Register the table with Oracle Application Object Library

•Register the table with Oracle Application Object Library using Table registration API / Form
•The Table registration API is AD_DD (This is a database Package)

Define descriptive flexfield fields into the form
•Add a text item in the required block of the form and attach the property class “TEXT_ITEM_DESC_FLEX”
•Add non displayed database field ATTRIBUTE1 to ATTRIBUTEn
•Add non displayed context field ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY

Register DFF with Oracle application Object Library

•Navigate to Register DFF form
•mention the structure column ( ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY)
•Enter referenced form fields name in the reference field’s zone (optional)
•Specify ATTRIBUTEn columns in the column zone.

Define descriptive segments

•Define value set for each of your segments
•define descriptive segments
•Navigate to “define descriptive segments values” form
•Enter valid values for the value sets corresponding to each segments.

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