Special Calendar in Oracle Payables
The report run display only check box indicates that a key indicators report has been run for this period. The check box is not applicable to payment terms, withholding tax, or recurring invoices calendar types.
The periods you define in the Special Calendar window are completely seperate from the periods you define in the Accounting Calendar window for your AP accounting periods.
TO Setup Special Calendar
Setup/Calendar/Special Calendar
1. In the special calendar window,select the type of calendar we want to define
Recurring Invoice
Withholding Tax
Payment Terms
Key Indicator
Enter a calendar name and description. You will select this name from a list of values when you assign a special calendar to a key indicator report, a recurring invoice template, a withholding tax type tax code, or payment terms.
Enter the number of periods per year. For example if you use a 12 month period calendar enter 12.
Enter period name example Jan, Feb, Mar etc or Q1, Q2,Q3,Q4.
Enter in the Year field the calendar year in which period occurs.
Enter numbers in the Sequence fields to indicate the order that the periods occur in. The sequence numbers of a period should represent the sequence of the period in a regular calendar. May through December 2007 should be sequenced 5 through 12, and January 2008 should be sequenced 1.
Enter the from dates and the to dates for the period. Periods within a year cannot overlap.
Payables displays the system name for the period by combining the accounting period name you entered with the last two digits of the from date. Payables lists system names whenever you select a period name from a list of values.
If you are defining a payment terms calendar, enter a due date for each period. For invoices with terms date that fall anywhere with the period, a due date defines the date on which these invoices become due.
UNIX Commands
$PWD (Present Working Directory)/Print Working direcotry.
$Clear - (Clears the Screen)
$Exit (Exit from session or logout).
$WHO - Gives the status of the users connected to host.
$WHO am I - This command will shows working user and status in network.
$cat - Used to create a file
$cate>filename - file name should be unique. Enter data.
$cat filename (to see the contents of the file)
$touch - it is also used to create a file. We can create more than one file at a time.
$touch f1,f2,f3 creates f1,f2 and f3 files.
$Ctrl+d- to save the file.
$Cat f1 f2 > f3
The above command merges contains of the two files f1 and f2 and places them in a new file i.e f3. If the new file is not existing it will create the new file. If the f3 file exists it will removes old contents and places the new contents in that place.
$Cat f1,f2 >> f3
The above command merges f1,f2 into f3. If new file contains any data then it will add the data of f1,f2 files at the end of the f3 file data.
$date - shows the current date and time.
$banner cmc - It will print the large letters
eg CMC
$echo hi hi hi hi hi
it prints hi hi hi hi hi (what ever we give after echo that will be printed on the screen)
$Cal - Cal gives the calender.
$Cal 2 2007 - It displays 2007 February calender.
$CP (Copy)- Copying a particular file from one directory to another directory.
eg $cp f1 f2 - copying f1 into f2 in a present directory.
$mv - to rename a file
$mv f1 f2
file name f1 changed to f2
$mv dir1 dire2
to rename a directory
$expr 10+2
results from above command is 12
to create a directory.
back to one directory
$rm remove the file or directory
$rm -i - removes files interactively.
eg $rm -i f1 - before removing system asks removing Y/N.
$ls list of all the files and all the directories present in current directory.
$ls -l Provides long list of the files and directories present in the pwd.
File Access Permissions in Unix
User Group Others
rwx rwx rwx
421 421 421
chmod (change mode)
- for removing
+ for adding
= it replaces the old permissions with the new permission.
Two types of methods for file access permission.
symbolic method and absolute method
symbolic method
$chmod u+x filename
$chmod u+x f1
the above command adds permission for f1 file for user.
$chmod g=w filename
$chmod g=w f1
The group is replaced by write
Absolute Method
$chmod 777 filename
All the permissions given to specified filename.
Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 5
ACE Interface: Used if you have to load ACE(adjusted current earnings) information from another asset system and accumulated depreciation for your ACE assets for defining the initial open period of your ACE book as the last period of the last fiscal year you completed on your previous system.
Budget Open Interface: Used if you maintain and upload your budget information in a spreadsheet. You transfer the budget data from any software package that prints to an ASCII file and then use SQL *Loader to load the FA_BUDGET_INTERFACE table.
Mass Addition Interface- Used with the mass additions process to upload data when adding assets automatically for current and future periods, import data from other systems, and convert assets from an outside system to Oracle Assets, Oracle Assets is already integrated with Oracle Payable and Oracle Projects. Use the mass additions process to
Production Interface- Used to enter production data manually, maintain your production data in another system, and upload the information. Prepare and analyze your production information into Oracle Assets, which uses that information to calculate depreciation for your units of production assets.
Physical Inventory- The process of ensuring that the assets a company has listed in its production system match the assets it actually has in Inventory. A company takes physical inventory by collecting data in a number of ways. You can load your physical inventory data into Oracle Assets using the Oracle Assets desktop integrator. Which helps you to import data from excel spreadsheet. You can also use SQL*Loader to import data from another application.
Order Management Open Interfaces
Order Import Interface: You can capture order data using a specialized system and import it into Oracle Order Management /Shipping for processing. You can import orders with any entry status, including booked status. Imported orders can be queried and modified using the sales orders window in Order Management/Shipping. If an order is imported with an entry status of booked, it is automatically eligible to progress to the next step of its order cycle when the import is complete. You can also import incomplete orders and finish them using the Sales Order window. Order import receives data from your import program, which converts data from your feeder system into a standard data format that order import can read. It can then convert your import data into Order Management/Shipping Orders.
Receivable (Invoice) Interface: Oracle Order Management provides functionality to integrate with Oracle Receivable and using AutoInvoice, create invoices, create credit memos and credits on account, recognize revenue, and manage sales credits.
Ship Confirm Open Interface: With Release 11i, the ship confirm interface has been replaced with a group of shipping API's that load data into the shipping tables from external systems and close delivery lines without using the shipping transaction form.
Receivable Open Interfaces
Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice: You can transfer accurate and valid transactions from other systems into Receivables. You can import invoices, credits memos, debit memos, and on account credits. You can delete the interface lines that were processed and successfully transferred into Receivables. You do not have to run this program if the purge interface tables system option is set to Yes since Receivables deletes the interface lines automatically after you run Auto Invoice.
Importing Customer Data Using Customer Interface: Through Oracle Receivables Customer Interface, you can import , validate and update current or historical and additional customer data from other systems into Receivables. The customer interface program validates the data that you load in the Customer Interface tables by ensuring that the columns in the Interface tables reference the appropriate values and columns in the rest of the system. The program also ensures that each record is unique.
Importing Address Validation Data/Sales Tax Rates using Sales Tax Rate Interface: Using the sales tax rate interface program from an interface area or feeder system, you can load new locations and one or more tax rates for the same location covering different data ranges and postal codes tax rates into Receivables. These loaded records update your existing data with the most current tax rates for each location so you can manually create and import invoices into Receivables(Auto Invoice)and validate new customer addresses.
Calculating Tax Using the Tax Vendor Extension:
You can integrate external tax calculation programs with Oracle Applications, providing for complex tax calculation need while retaining the full power of Oracle Receivables to create and store all other tax data. The tax extension is called whenever a tax rate is calculated by the Receivable tax engine. When implemented, the Tax Engine returns a tax rate or amount from the vendor program. Receivables uses this data to create to appropriate tax lines and related accounting data. Tax rates are calculated in the following Receivables window and program- Adjustments window, Copy Transactions window, Credit Transactions window, Transactions Window and Auto Invoice.
Oracle GL Important Tables Lession1
This table stores structure data about key flexfields.
A structure is the entire definition of all columns and meaning of the key flexfield. Structure definitions for the accounting flexfield are stored in this table in record where ID_FLEX_CODE=GL#.
The accounting key flexfield can have multiple structures, each identified by a unique combination of ID_FLEX_CODE and ID_FLEX_NUM.
Major Columns - Application_ID, ID_FLEX_CODE, ID_FLEX_NUM
This table stores valid account combinations for each accounting flexfield structure in Oracle General Ledger.
Associated with each account are certain codes and flags, including whether the account is enabled and whether detail posting or detail budgeting is allowed.
This table references the CODE_COMBINATION_ID which is the foreign key used by Oracle Applications to track accounting entries.
Major Columns
Journal Entry Tables
The major tables storing journal entries related information are as follows:
This table stores details of journal entry batches. A batch is group of journal entries.
In General Ledger, Journal entries are posted in Batches.
Each row in this table includes the batch name, status, running total debits and credits for all entries in the batch and other information.
Major Columns
STATUS : POSTED or Unposted
This table stores journal entry information. There is a one to many relationship between journal entry batches and journal entries.
Each row in this table includes the associated , batch id, journal entry name and description, and other information about the journal entry.
Major Columns
This table stores journal entry lines. There is a one to man relationship between journal entries headers and journal entry lines. This table contains the information about the account and amount for each line of the entry.
Major Columns
This table stores net debit and net credit information for detail and summary accounts.
This information is stored actual, budget, and encumbrance amounts. It also stores functional currency, foreign currency, and statistical balances for each accounting period that has ever been opened.
GL_BALANCES is populated by the system during the GL Post and Summary Account template definition.
It is used for standard account inquires and for Financial Statement Generator(FSG) reporting.
This table stores activity rather than the actual balance.
Use the following formula to calculate the period to date balance:
Use this formula to calculate the year to date balance
Major Columns
Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 4
Receiving , Open Requisitions , Purchasing Documents
Open Requisitions helps you automatically import and review requisitions from other Oracle Applications or other systems, approve or reserve funds for them, place them on purchase or internal sales orders, and integrate Oracle Purchasing quickly with new or existing applications such as material requirements planning, inventory management, and production control systems. Oracle Purchasing automatically validates data and imports your requisitions.
Purchasing documents helps automatically import and validate price/sales catalog information and responses to requests for quotation (RFQs) from suppliers and convert the data in the Purchasing documents open interface tables into blanket purchase agreements or catalog quotations in Purchasing. It uses application programming interfaces to process catalog data in the Oracle Applications Interface tables to ensure that it is valid before importing it into purchasing.
Receiving helps you automatically import and validate receipt data, such as Advance Shipment notices, from other Oracle Applications and integrate Oracle Purchasing quickly with new or existing applications, such as loading barcoded and other receiving data from scanners and radio frequency devices. It maintains new and existing receipt data integrity.
Payable Open Interfaces
.Expense Report Interface
.Payables Procurement Card Transactions Interface
.Supplier Open Interface
Payables Open Interface - Uses invoice data stored in the Payables Open Interface tables to create invoices to import into Payables. The invoice data is from invoices entered in the Invoice Gateway window, invoices from you suppliers loaded by e-Commerce Gateway, rent invoices from Property Manager,, Lease Payment invoices from Oracle Assets, Invoices that you loaded with Oracle SQL loader and credit card transaction data. Oracle Payables provides sophisticated purchase order matching feature to ensure that you only pay for goods and services you ordered, received and accepted.
Expenses Report Interface - Used to import Expense Reports into Payables, Contains functionality that will create supplier records for employees on submission of the first expense report.
Payables Procurement Card - Transaction Interface: Submit the Procurement Card Transaction validation report, for records where the CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FLAG is set to Y, Payables uses the data in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES table to create distributions with proper accounts in the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS table, uses the data in this table to confirm transactions with your employees and managers. After Employees and managers have verified and approved the transactions, you submit the Procurement Card Invoice Interface Summary tables and optionally summarize the interface import program to create invoices from the data.
Supplier Open Interface- Used to input Supplier records for use in Payables and Purchasing Payables has three new supplier open interface tables. Each interface table corresponds to one of the Oracle Purchasing supplier tables.
AP_SUPPLIERS_INT for importing supplier level information
AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT is for importing supplier site information
AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT is for importing supplier site contact information.
Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 3
Importing Journals
Loading Daily Rates
Uploading Budgets
We can use theree open interfaces available for General Ledger to bring information from other Oracle Applications or from non Oracle Applications and data source into General Ledger.
Use this Journal Import to integrate data from other application with Oracle General Ledger and import historical data from your previous accounting system.
Journal Import creates journal entries from accounting data you import from Oracle and other application feeder systems. For each accounting period, we can import accounting data from other journal entry. The journals are created from the GL_INTERFACE table. All data in the interface table is validated before a journal entry is created.
Use the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table in Oracle General Ledger to insert, update, or delete daily rates automatically in the GL_DAILY_RATES table. GL validates the rows in the interface table before making changes in the GL_DAILY_RATES table. Do no load rates directly into the GL_DAILY_RATES table to avoid data corruption. We do not need to run any import programs. We only need to develope a process that populates the interface table with daily rates information.
Uploading Budgets
Navigation - Budgets ->Enter ->Upload
Budget upload lets you prepare and analyze your budget outside of Oracle General Ledger, such as on a personal computer using a spreadsheet program, and then transfer your budget information into Oracle General Ledger.
If you have Microsoft excel installed, you can use Oracle Applications Desktop Integrator ADI to create budget worksheets in Excel, view and modify your budget information, and then upload revised budget information to Oracle General Ledger automatically.
table to upload budget data into Oracle General Ledger from a spreadsheet or other external source.
Each row includes the budget amounts for once account for once fiscal year by period.
When we load this table
Account combinations in SEGMENT columns must agree with your chart of accounts structure.
Budget amounts must be in the appropriate AMOUNT columns.
Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 2
Source Applications - This feeder system supplies data you want to import into Oracle Applications. For example, the source application for Oracle General Ledger journal import may be Oracle Receivables or another Oracle Receivable application.
Interface Table- The intermediary table where the data from your source application temporarily resides. We enter data into this table to load data into an Oracle Application.
Validate Function- A Set of programs used by Oracle Applications to ensure the inbound data integrity before data is moved from the interface table to the permanent application tables. It inserts rows into the error table or updates the error column in the interface table if validation fails. It resides in the destination application.
Load- A Set of programs that selects and accumulates data from your source application and inserts them into the Oracle Application interface table. Its programming languages and tools depend on the hardware and system software of your source application. For example , Oracle functions that load an open interface are written in Pro*C or PL /SQL. If you are importing data from a non Oracle Application, you would probably use a procedural language available on the source application, convert it into an ASCII file, and use SQL*Loader to insert the data into the Oracle Interface table.
Process Function - Residing in the destination application, this import function is the set of programs that processes data from the interface table into the destination tables, inserts rows into the errors table, or updates the error column in the interface table if processing error are encountered. With the Validate function, it is frequently invoked through the same concurrent process. Rows are validated first before processed.
Errors Table - Stores all errors found by the validate and Process function; shows several errors for the same data row at once; resides in the destination application; can be shared by several open interface tables in an application. In addition, some oracle Applications open interfaces use error columns in the Interface table and a log/report file to list the error. For example Oracle General Ledger Journal import always generates a report. Entries is an error table or report are the output of the Validate process.
Maintain Function- A form based program residing in the destination application, to query update and resubmit interface table rows, In its absence in some Oracle Applications interfaces, we can review the log file or report for errors or use SQL*PLUS to query and correct errors, such as deleting such as deleting all rows in the interface table, fixing the problem in the LOAD function and reimporting.
Oracle Open Interfaces Lession 1
An Interface allows us to Import data from a variety of environments, including our system, previous system data collection devices , external systems, and others in the easiest way possible.
Review the results of import runs, including validation, review update , re imports, and error identification.
Export data from Oracle Applications products for use in other systems.
Interface Tables
Interface Tables: Throughout Oracle Applications products, Oracle Developers have developed Interface tables and programs. Tables allows us to load data, and then to run an Application concurrent program. That concurrent program will take the data from the Interface Table, Validate it, and Import it into our Application Instance.
There are numerous Interface tables in the Oracle Applications products to help with the importation of data.
Application Programming Interfaces(APIs) : API's provide tighter integration to Oracle Applications than can be provided with Interface Tables.
Several Oracle Applications products allow for data upload and download via spreadsheets. The spreadsheet formats are predefined. The mechanics of the upload or download are quite simple.
Oracle Applications also support data uploads and downloads to Oracle Discoverer and word processing files.
Open Interface Overview
Through open interfaces in Oracle Financials, we also can import historical data from our previous accounting, sales order, or other management systems to keep our records consistent and up-to-date. We can review the results of our import run and identify which data has been successfully imported and which errors have occurred during the import process.
We must select a tool for writing a feeder program to extract data from the printed reports, flat file, relational database, or other repository of application information of our existing application system.
Use feeder program to populate an Oracle Application import table with the information we want to introduce to Oracle Financials system.
SQL*Loader is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for writing a feeder program because it helps us to map elements of character delimited or fixed format file, such as a listing or flat file, and to specify which columns of which tables they populate.
Automatic Tax Calculation in Payables
Payables - Setup->Options->Payables and select Invoice Tax tab.
Check the Use Automatic Tax Calculation.
If we do not enable Automatic Tax Calculation, Payables does no tax calculation, but it will automatically create a tax distribution during invoice entry if we enter values for tax codes and tax amount in the invoice window. Payables copies the invoice tax code and tax amount values we enter when it creates the tax distribution but it does no tax calculation. However it will validate the tax amount during invoice validation.
Automatic Tax Calculation Levels
If we use automatic tax calculation, Payables calculates tax for invoices at the level we specify. ie Header, Line or Tax Code. The calculation level option we select determines whether Payables calculates tax based on the invoice information (Header), or based on individual invoice distribution information (line and tax code). The difference between Line and Tax Code calculation is how Payables groups amounts to calculate tax. The difference in calculation is generally due to rounding differences.
The value of the Calculation level option defaults in the following order
Payables Options Window -> Suppliers Window-> Supplier Sites Window-> Invoice Entry.
**** (We cannot set a value at the Suppliers window if we use Multi Org Support). We can override the calculation level at any level (supplier, supplier site, invoice entry) if the Allow calculation level override check box is enabled.
To check the All Calculation Level Override
Payables-> Setup->Options->Payables and Select Invoice Tax tab.
If we override the calculation level we can change the calculation level to Header, Line or Tax Code or we can disable tax calculation by choosing none.
We choose the automatic tax calculation level in the calculation level fields of the invoice tax regions of the Payables Options, Suppliers, and Suppliers sites windows.
We can use Header Level calculation only if the tax code is fully recoverable. If the transaction uses tax codes that are nonrecoverable or partially recoverable, we must choose line or tax code level calculation.
If we automatically calculate tax at the Header level, then during invoice entry in the Invoice Workbench, when we enter a tax group or Sales or User defined tax code in the Invoices window, Payables automatically calculates and enters the tax amount. Payables calculates the tax amount based on the gross invoice amount and the tax rate of the tax codes we use. In the tax codes window we assign a tax rate to each tax code.
If we automatically calculates tax at the Line Level, after we enter non tax (item, miscellaneous, or freight type) distribution in the distribution window, Payables creates tax type distribution. When we enter distributions, we use the Includes Tax Check Box to indicate if a distribution line amount is inclusive or exclusive of tax.
Payables calculates the tax amount for distributions based on the distribution amount, the Includes tax check box for the distribution and the tax rate of the applicable tax codes.
Tax Code
Tax code and line level calculation are the same except for how Payables groups and rounds tax amounts.
If we choose as the calculation level, Payables disables automatic tax calculation for associated invoices. In the Suppliers window, the supplier sites window, and during invoice entry, we can choose None as our calculation level if have enabled the Allow Calculation level override option.
Payables Automatic Interest
The amount of the interest invoice is the interest amount owed. The interest invoice number is the same as the overdue invoice number, but with the suffix - INTx, where 'x' is the count of interest invoices that have been created for the overdue invoice. The payment terms are Immediate if we do not have immediate terms defined, the interest invoice payment terms are the same as the overdue invoice. The interest invoices have the same invoice currency and payment currency as the overdue invoices.
Invoice Due Date Calculation
When we pay an overdue invoice Payables uses the invoice due date to determine how many days overdue the invoice is. Payables determines the due date by using a startdate and payment terms. For eg- If the start date is July 1 2007 and payment terms are Net 30, the invoice will be payable in full on July 30 2007.
During the invoice entry Payables creates schduled payments for the invoice and uses the invoice terms date and payment terms date to calculate the due date. During the invoice validation if the Recalculate Scheduled Payment Payables option is enabled for the supplier site; payables automatically recalculates the scheduled payments. During the recalculation, payables uses the most recent of the available start date option and the most favorable of the available payment terms options to calculate the laeast possible due date.
Interest Amount Calculation
In the Interest Rates window we specify what interest rates is effective during different date ranges we specify. Payables uses the following formula to calculate interest on our invoices. The interest rate Payables uses is the rate effective on the day after the due date of the invoice.
This calculation is in accordance with the U.S prompt payment act, and is not an effective yearly rate. For example the interest rate on a $100 invoice is 7%. After year we would owe is 7.23 as interest.
The following formula can be used to determine monthly compounding interest
P(1+r/12)n * (1+(r/360*d)) -P
P is the amount of principal or invoice amount
r equals the Prompt Payment interest rate
n equals the number of months; and
d equals the number of days for which interest is being calculated.
Accounting for Interest Invoices
Payables creates invoice expense distributions and liability accounting entries for the new invoices using the options and accounts we specify in the Interest tab in the Payables Options window.
i.e setup/options/payables
Interest Tab here we defines Interest Invoice Accounts. (i.e Expense and Liability Account).
When interest invoice entered in the system ,payable creates interest invoice with the
DR- Expenses Account .
CR - Liability Account.
The setting of the Prorate Across Overdue Invoice option controls how payables creates distributions on the interest invoice and what expense account it assigns to the new distributions.
If we enable the Prorate Across Overdue Invoice Option, Payables prorates the interest amount across the item distributions on the overdue invoice. It then builds the account for each interest invoice distribution by using the Natural (Charge)account segment from the interest invoice expense account and
all other account segments from the corresponding item distribution of the overdue invoice.
If the dynamic insertions is disabled and the GL accounts that Payable builds are not valid and active, then payables will instead use the expense interest account for each distribution.
If we do not enable the Prorate Across Overdue Invoice option then Payables creates an interest invoice with one distribution and the expense interest invoice account.
To Setup Payables to Automatically create interest invoices for a supplier site:
In the Interest Region of the Payables Options window enable the Allow Interest Invoices Check Box Enter the Expenses and Liability Account and enter the Minimum Interest Amount (optional). Enable the Prorate Across Overdue Invoice Check Box if you would want to prorate.
Navigation - Setup->Options->Payables and select Interest tab.
In the Payables options window enable the recalculate scheduled payment option if we want. Payables automatically recalculate scheduled payment due dates discount dates and discount amouts during Invoice validation.
Payables- Setup->Options->Payables and select Invoice tab.
Ensure that approriate suppliers have the allow interest invoice check box enabled
Setup the interest rates that Payables will use to calculate Interest on overdue invoices
Payables - Setup-> Payment-> Interest Rates
enter an interest rate and enter a start date and end date between which the interest rate is effective.
Void Payments and Stop Payments
When we void a payment, or confirm a stop payment, Payables automatically reverses the payment status and accounting records for the invoice that we paid. Payables automatically reverses and voids interest invoices associated with a void payment or stop payment.
Automatic Interest Restrictions
Adjustment Interest Invoices- We cannot adjust an interest invoice if it is paid, and if the payment that paid it has been accounted.
365 Day Limit- Payables does not continue to calculate additional interest after an invoice is 365 days overdue.
Cancelling Payment Batches
You have not confirmed the payment batch.
To cancel a payment batch.
Query the payment batch from Payment/Payment Batches window.
In the payment batch window select the payment batch and click on Actions. Select Cancel Payment Batch and Choose Ok.
Interview Questions- Payment Batch
Ans) Yes, if you use two different payment documents.
Q) What if there is a database or operating system crash while a payment batch i process ?
Ans) When the system recovers, use the payment batches window to determine the status of the payment batch. We can then either restart the payment batch, or we can cancel the payment batch.
Q) How do i know if an invoice is not paid in a payment batch because the total payment for this supplier site is under the minimum payment or over the maxmimum payment amount that i defined for the payment batch?
Ans) Payables identifies these unpaid invoices on the preliminary payment register.
Q) When i cancel a payment batch, is there anything else i need to do to make the selected invoices available for payment in a future payment batch?
A) No. When we cancel a payment batch, payables automatically resets to unpaid the status of selected invoices in the cancelled payment batch. The invoices are then available to pay in a payment batch or by single payment.
Q) Why an invoice may not be paid in a payment batch ?
Not Approved - The Invoice is not approved
We need to use approval to approve the invoice.
Supplier Site Hold - The supplier site has a hold enabled. We can specify to hold all payments or all future invoices for a supplier site.
Check supplier sites control information. Release the hold and uncheck the check box in the supplier sites window.
Invoice Hold - The Invoice is hold
Check the hold in the invoice holds window to resolve the hold.
Scheduled Payment Hold - A Scheduled Payment for the invoice is on hold
Check the hold and uncheck the hold check box in the scheduled payments window.
Does not match payment selection criteria- The invoice is not due to pay before the pay through date we specified for the batch.
Review the scheduled payments of the invoice.
The invoice's Pay group does not match the pay group you specified for the batch
Review the pay group of the invoice and the batch.
Supplier Bank account no defined
If we are creating an electronic payment and we have not assigned an active bank account to the supplier site for the payment currency.
Setup a supplier bank account in the Banks window, and enter the bank account number in the Remit to Account field of the modify payment batch window.
Defining Bank Transaction Codes in Cash Management
To setup a transaction, use the Setup/Bank Transaction Codes navigation path. The transaction codes must be defined for each type of banking transaction that is defined by our bank. For instance, our bank may assign a number or alpha code to a Non Sufficient funds (NSF) transaction, which would appear on our bank.
Cash Management defines the following possible types:
Miscellaneous Payment
Miscellaneous Receipt
Stopped Payment
We may define more than one code for each of these, or no code for codes not used. First, select the type of code we wish to define using the drop down menu. Then enter the bank code for that type of transaction. An optional field is to enter a clarifying description of the codes in the description field. We also have the option of creating effective date ranges that govern when the transaction codes are active. Float days is an optional field that allows us to enter the number of float days we want to add to the bank statment date to create an effective date for the transaction. This is used in conjuction which float handling in system parameters.
Next, enter the transaction source. We can leave this field blank if we want to reconcilie our statment lines to transactions that were generated in either Oracle Receivables or Oracle Payables. If we want to reconcile lines to General Ledger journal entries, select journals. To reconcile lines to items in the open interface, select interface. If the transaction type is Miscellaneous Receipt or Miscellaneous Payment, we must select the type of transactions to match, the matching order, and the correction method. This is beacuase the same code for a miscellaneous transactions and/or corrections. Valid choices are Misc for matching only against miscellaneous transactions, stmt for matching only against statement lines, Misc stmt for first matching against miscellaneous transactions and then matching against statement lines, and Stmt, Misc for first matching against statement lines and then matching against miscellaneous transactions. Valid choices for correction method are Reversal, Adjustment, or Both. Check create automatically create a miscellaneous item transaction with an assigned transaction code for unanticipated items that appear on the bank statement; in other words, for items without a transaction number.
If we choose to create miscellaneous item transaction by checking create, we must select an activity type to assign to the item. As the last step, if we choose to create miscellaneous line items, we must select a payment method to assign to the item. The activity type is tied to the miscellaneous receipt, while the payment method is tied to the miscellaneous payment.
Setting Up Cash Management System Parameters
Navigation- Setup/System Parameters
First choose a set of books from the list of values. Then enter the begin date: This date must be backdated far enough to cover any transactions that will appear in the bank statement. It is generally safe to calculate that the date of the first statement will not contain entries earlier than its own date for instance, a check may be issued on May 20, but cashed on June 5th. If system begin begin date was dated June 1, Cash Management would recognize it. The system only recognizes the transaction date of the bank record, not our Payable or Receivable transaction date. Next, if you want to see cleared transactions that are available for reconciliation, check show cleared Transactions. If we want to reserve the ability to add lines to a statement that is loaded automatically, not manually, check Add line to Automatic Statements. If Bank statements will be loaded through the interface instead of loaded manually, check Use Open Interface. Large statements should be loaded through the interface to maximize the functionality of the program.
Next go to the General alternative region. Select the matching order for both Payables and Receivables. We have two choices : Transaction or Batch. If our system only requires reconciliation at the batch level, then select Batch otherwise select Transaction. This is how cash management will search the statement lines in order to match them up during Auto Reconciliation. Next enter the tax codes. These codes are used when there are differences in the bank statement associated with VAT. If the transactions are in dollars , select standard ; otherwise select a VAT code to represent the liability and assets for miscellaneous payments and miscellaneous receipts. When we select a Receivables activity for a transaction line, a default General Ledger account is automatically associated with the transaction line. Select an activity in the system parameters from to change the differences between the original amount and the cleared amount. This is usually a clearing account, a bank charges account, or a miscellaneous costs account. The last field in the region is Float Handling. This determines if the transaction's effective date is later than the system date and whether Oracle Cash Management should ignore the transaction or mark it as an error. We have two options Error and Ignore. Cash Management will allow reconciliation of lines with postdated transaction dates for the ignore option.
Once completed the General Alternative region, change the alternative region to Automatic Reconciliation. The settings in this region will not have any effect on manually reconciled statements, only automatic reconciliation. Choose the amount and percentage of variance with Cash Management to match statement lines to available transactions in the tolerances fields. The Amount field is a specific dollar amount of either the statement line or the transacting line. The percentage field also sets the tolerance on either the statement line or the available transactions. Next, enter the tolerance differences fields. In the AP field, select charges or errors. Charges will send the differing amount from the General Ledger to the charge account setup in payables. Errors will not send the differing amount to the General Ledger, but will cause the reconciliation to error out. In the foreign field, we can select gain/loss, charges/errors or No action. Differences will be posted to the General Ledger as a Gain/Loss, Bank Charge, or Bank Error. No action means that this item will not reconcile; it will display a status error. We may select to purge from the interface once the statement is transferred by checking purge. We may also select automatic archiving of the statements from the interface tables by checking archive. We must archive if you purge. The lines per commit field determines how many lines Oracle Cash Management should process before committing. Set the lines per commit field to a low number 5 or less. This prevents the system from stalling while processing large statements during Auto Reconciliation.
Types/ Kinds of Accounts
Personal Accounts
The elements or accounts which represent persons and organizations.
Personal accounts refers to all the transactions related to natural persons, artificial persons and representative persons eg- rama, krishna, krishna and radha.
Rule - debit the receiver and credit the giver.
Real Accounts
Real accounts are those reported in the balance sheet, which is the summary of assets, liabilities and owner's equities of business. The label real refers to the continuous, permanent nature of this type of account.
Real accounts are active from the first day of business to the last day. (A real account have a temporary zero balance, in which case it's not reported in the balance sheet). Real accounts contain the balances of assets, liabilities, and owners equities at a specific point in time, such as at the close of business on the last day of the year.
A real account is a record of the amount of asset, liability or owners equity at a precise moment in time. The balance in a real account is the net amount after subtracting decreases from increases in the account.
There are two types of Real accounts Tangible and Intangible
Tangible - Capable of being perceived by the senser or the mind; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt.
Intangible - There are assets which are intangible like the organizations Goodwill.
Real accounts eg- buildings, machinery, cash etc.
Rule - Debit what comes in and Credit what goes out.
Nominal Accounts
Nominal accounts are those reported in the income statement, which is the summary of the revenue and expenses of a business for a period of time.
Nominal accounts includes all the transactions related to expenditure , incomes, losses and profits.
Eg- rent paid, rent received, bad debts, profit on sale of asset.
Rule - Debit all expenses and losses and credit all incomes and profits.
Nominal (Revenue and Expense) account balances are closed at the end of the year
Accumulated amounts in these accounts of sales and expenses for the year 2005 for example, their balances are closed. Their balances are reset to zero to start of the year 2006.
Retained Earnings account define the (P&L Account) to be used for posting the expenditure and income of the year. The balance of this account appears as Reserves and Surplus in the Balance Sheet for the year.
Receivables Application Rule Sets
Application Rule sets let you specify how receivables reduces the balance of your open debit items when yhou:
Apply a receipt to an invoice or debit memo.
Run post quick cash.
You can assign a rule set to each of your transaction types and enter a default rule set in the System Option window. Receivable uses the following hierarchy to determine which application rule set to use,
Transaction Type
System Options
Receivables application rule sets always appy payments and discounts to the gross line amount (the net line amount plus any associated tax amount).
Application Rule Sets
Receivable provides the following predefined Applicaiton Rule Sets. You can view these rule sets and create your own rule sets in the Application Rule sets window.
Line First Tax After
This rule set first applies the payment to the open line amount, and then applies the remaining amount the associated tax. If the payment is greater than the sum of line and tax, Receivables attempts to close each open item by applying the remaining amount in the following order, stopping when the payment has been fully applied:
1. Freight 2. Finance Charges
Line and Tax Prorate
This rule set applies a proportionate amount of the payment to the open line and tax amount for each line. If the payment is greater tahn the sum of the open line and tax amounts, receivable attempts to close each open item by applying the remaining amount in the following order, stopping when the payment has been fully applied.
Freight, Finance Charges.
Prorate All
This rule set applies a proportionate amount of the payment to each open amount associated with a debit item 9for example any line, tax, freight, and finance charge amounts for this item).
Receivables uses the following formula to determine the applied amount
Amount = open application line type amount/Sum of applicaiton line types in rule *receipt amount
Journal Sources
Defining Journal Sources
To import detail reference information for summary journals we import from feeder systems. If we choose this option , we can also use the account inquiry window to drilldown to subledger transactions, transferred from subledgers in summary or detail, for a specified source.
To freeze the journal source, preventing users from making changes to any unposted journals from that source.
To require that journals with a specific journal source be approved by higher managment levels before the journal can be psoted Journal Approval must be enabled for your set of books.
Define intercompany and suspense accounts for specific sources run the Auto Post program for specific sources import journals by source, and report on journals by source using the Foreign currency journals or General Journals reports.
Enter a unique name and description for your journal entry source. You cannot delete a source name after saving work.
Enable /disable the following check boxes for this journal source.
Import Journal References
Enabled- In the account inquiry window, we can drilldown to subledger transactions, transferred from subledgers in summary or detail.
Journal References will be imported from your feeder systems to maintain a mapping of summarized transactions when you run Journal Import and choose to create summary journals. This information is stored in the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table. You can request a mapping report from your feeder systems after Journal Import completes. Or you can write your own report referencing the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table which stores the mapping information.
Disabled- In the account inquiry window, we cannot drill down to subledger transactions transferred from subledgers in summary or detail for this source.
Freeze Journals
If you enabled this checkbox journals from this source cannot be changed in the Enter Journals window. If you subsequently disable this checkbox, you can make the changes to journals from this source.
Require Journal Approval
If your journal approval is enabled for your set of books and you enter a journal whose journal source requires journal approval for batch must be approved before it can be posted.
Average Balance Processing Only - from the poplist, select an effective date rule for this journal source.
Fail- Journal import will reject transactions when the effective date is not valid business day. No posting takes place.
Leave Alone- Journal Import will accept all transactions regardless of the effective day.
Roll Date-Journal import will accept the transaction, but roll the effective date back to the nearest valid business day within the same period. If there is no prior valid business day with in the same period the effective date is rolled forward.
The effective date rule field will not appear unless you have average balance processing enabled for at least one set of books.
Trial Balance Reports in General Ledger
Trial Balances reports to review balances for our general ledger accounts for budges, actuals and encumbrances for any currency. The same segment security rules defined to restrict user to access to segment values in our accounting flexfield are extended to these reports.
Average Balance Trial Balance Report
Review your General Ledger standard and average account balances. We can print functional, foreign entered, or translated average balances.
This report provides a listing of standard and average balances for selected accounts based on an as of date we specify. In addition, the report displays period, quarter and year average to date balances. We can also request a additional information on this report by specifying balancing segments and account ranges.
Parameters- Currency, Currency Type, Reporting Date, Accounting From/TO
Budget Trial Balance Report
Review your general ledger budget account balances and activity for a specific currency. We can run this report for balances and activity entered in our functional currency and foreign currency or STAT or translated to a foreign currency.
General Ledger prints a page for each balancing segment value and list our accounts in ascending order by account segment value. General Ledger reports debits as positive amounts and credits as negative amounts.
Parameters- Budget Name, From TO/Period, Type , Currency
Detail Trial Balance Report
Review your general ledger actual account balances and activity in detail. We can run this report for balances and activity entered in your functional currency or STAT or translated to a foreign currency.
This report prints a line for each of your a accounts and lists them in ascending order by account segment value. For each account, the report prints the account segment value, account segment value description, beginning balance, period activity and ending balance for the period you specify. General Ledger reports debits as positive amounts and credits as negative amounts.
Parameters - Pagebreak segment, Pagebreak segment low/high, Currency, Period, Amount Type.
Expanded Trial Balance Report
Review the beginning , ending and net balances as well as period activity for a set of accounts. View your actual balances and activity in your functional currency or translated to a foreign currency. You can also use this report to review your statistical account balances and activity.
The report prints a line for each account segment value and sorts them in ascending order. For each account segment value, the report prints the account description, beginning balances, period activity, ending activity, and ending balances for the period you request.
Parameters - Period Name, Account From /TO, Balancing Segment, Currency, Precision, Class level, Class and Sub class level, Class Sub Class and Group Level.
Foreign Currency Detail Trial Balance Report
Review actual general ledger account balances and activity entered in a foreign currency. The report prints a line for each of your accounts and lists them in ascending order by account segment value. For each account, the report prints the account segment value, account segment value description, beginning balance, period activity, and ending balance for amounts and credits as negative amounts.
Parameters- Pagebreak segment, Pagebreak segment low/high, Currency, Period, Amount Type.
Foreign Currency Summary 1 Trial Balance Report
Review summarized general ledger balances and activity entered in a foreign currency. The report summarizes balances and activity by account segment value.
The report sorts the account segment values in ascending order. For each account segment value, the report prints the value, description, beginning balance, net of all debit or credit transactions, and ending balance for the period you request.
Parameters -Pagebreak segment, Pagebreak segment low/high, Period , Amount Type.
Summary1 Trial Balance Report
Review general ledger actual account balances and activity summarized by account segment value. You can run this report for balances and activity entered in your functional currency or STAT or translated to a foreign currency.
This report prints a line for each account segment value and lists them in ascending order. For each account segment value, the report prints the value , description, beginning balance, net of all debit or credit transactions and ending balance for the period your request.
Parameters- Pagebreak segment, Pagebreak segment low/high,Currency, Period, Amount Type.
Summary 2 Trial Balance Report
Review general ledger account balances and activity for combinations of account segment values with the values of a secondary segment you specify. You also specify a range of values for a third segment, which are used to control report page breaks.
General Ledger prints a line for each combination and sorts the secondary segment values from the lowest or highest. For each Secondary segment value, General Ledger sorts the account segment values from the lowest to the highest. Totals are provided for both your secondary segment and your pagebreak segment.
You can run print this report for actual , budget and encumbrance balances and activity in your functional currency, a foreign currency, or statistical units.
Parameters - Balance Type, PageBreak segment, PageBreak segment low/high, Secondary segment, Currency Type, Currency, Period Name, Budget Start Period Name, Amount Type.
Voucher Numbers and Document Sequence in Payables
Assigning unique voucher numbers to documents is called document sequencing. We can setup doucment sequencing for all of the documents we use in all of our Oracle Applications. Voucher numbers provide proof of completeness. If we use sequential voucher number, we can confirm that no document has been lost. Even if invoices or payments are deleted, each voucher number retains for audit records. We can also maintain an audit trail because we can trace a journal entry back to the original document in Payables. When setting up document sequencing, we can select a set of numbers, called a sequence, that will assign to a type of document. The type of document is called a document category. For example we may decide to assign the sequence of numbers to document category of Credit Memo Invoices. Then each credit memo we create will have a unique voucher number. Specifying the sequence that will assigned to a category is called assignment.
When we create and save a sequence we cannot change it. When we set it a concurrent process starts that automatically generates the sequence.
Note- Do not use voucher numbers that exceed nine digits. If our voucher number exceeds nine digits payables, then payables cannot process the document.
We can define any number of document sequences. When we define sequences we define automatic sequences and optionally manual sequences.
Manual Sequences- Enter voucher number manually by entering a number in the voucher number field when we create a document. The system confirms only that the number is unique and that it is in the correct sequence for the document category. The systemdoes not ensure that you have entered the next availabledocument number in the sequence. Do not assign manualsequences to documents that Payables creates automatically (forexample, electronic payments) because you cannot manuallyenter a voucher number for those documents.• Automatic Sequences. Payables assigns numbers automatically when the document is created. Payables can assign numbersautomatically for any document, whether it is created manuallyby users or automatically by Payables. If Payables creates adocument automatically (for example, recurring invoices), thenassign only an automatic sequence to it. When Payablesautomatically assigns sequence numbers it always assigns the next available number in the sequence. However, you may still have gaps in the sequence, for example, if there is a systemproblem while you are saving a document.• Gapless Sequences (Type of Automatic Sequence valid only in the context of certain localizations): Payables assigns numbers automatically, it confirms that the document has beensuccessfully created before it assigns the next available number in the sequence. This ensures that you have no gaps of unassigned numbers in the sequence.For the following documents that users enter manually, you can assigneither manual or automatic sequences:• Manually entered invoices in the Invoice Gateway• Manually entered invoices in the Invoice Workbench• Manual payments• Quick payments• Invoices you import through the Open Interface Tables (Manualvoucher numbers are possible but not recommended, since you
Document CategoriesA document category is a set of documents (invoices or payments) that share similar characteristics. You can assign a single document sequence to one or more document categories. For example, you could assign one sequence to all invoice categories. Payables predefines thefollowing categories for Payables documents:
Predefined invoice categories: Standard Invoices, Credit Memo Invoices, Debit Memo Invoices, Expense Report, Interest Invoices,Mixed Invoices, Prepayment Invoices, Recurring Standard Invoices Predefined payment categories: Check Payments, Clearing Payments, Electronic Payments, Supplier Refund Payments, Wire Payments When a document is created, Payables automatically assigns the default document category to the document.
• Invoices: Payables assigns a default invoice document categoryin the Document Category Name field in the Invoices windowbased on the value you select in the Invoice Type field in theInvoices window• Payments: In the Payment Documents window, Payablesdefaults the payment document category based on the paymentmethod you assign to the payment document
When we create a payment, the document category defaults from the payment document.We can use the document categories that Payables provides and we can define additional categories. If we enable Document Category Override in the Invoices and Payments regions of the Payables Options window, we can override the default document category that Payablesautomatically assigns to invoices or payments. If you enable this Payables option for payments you can also override the document category in the Payment Documents window.
The payables table that stores the document (and the document's voucher number)
AP_INVOICES_ALL - Stores all invoices.
AP _EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_aLL - Stores all expense report information before it is imported. This includes expense reports entered in payables, Internet expenses and projects.AP_CHECKS_ALL- Stores all payment information.
Sequence Assignments
In the sequence assignments window, we assign sequences to one or more document categories. We further specify a unique combination of Oracle Applicaitons, set of books, and document entry method. The document entry method indicates whether payables automatically creates the document or a user manually enters the document.
Sequential Numbering Profile Option
The sequential numbering profile option controls whether we can assign voucher numbers to documents, and whether we are required to assign voucher numbers to documents. This option can be enabled at the Responsibility, Application, Site or User Level. We can choose one of the following options:
Not Used- The system does not enfore sequential numbeing. It does ensure that any numbers entered are unique but it does not require the next available nu ber. We cannot enable the allow document override payable option. We cannot enter a document category or sequence name.
Partially Used- The system enforces sequential numbering for all of the sequences that are assigned to a document category. If we create a document and no active sequence has been assigned to its document category, then Payables displays a warning message that a sequence does not exist. You can proceed without a sequence, or you can define and assign the sequencebefore you proceed.
Always Used-. The system enforces sequential numbering for all document categories. If we attempt to create a document and no active sequence has been assigned to its document category, then we cannot proceed until you define and assign a sequence.
Invoice Reports In Oracle Payables
Payment Batch Control Report
Payment batch control report to review detailed information about the payments printed in one or more payment batches. We can submit this report after every payment batch to compare it with actual payment information.
Credit Memo Matching Report
This report lists credit memos and debit memos that match the supplier and date parameters we specify. This report also lists the total of the distribution line amounts of each credit memo in our entered currency and our functional currency. It also lists total credit memo amounts for each supplier and a total amount for the supplier.
Invoice Aging Report
This report is used to analyze the cash flows of our unpaid invoices. This report provides information about invoice payments due within four weeks periods our specify in aging periods window.
Invoice Audit Listing by Voucher Number
This report to review our invoices with assigned sequential voucher numbers. Either we are payables can assign a unique, sequential number to an invoice during invoice entry, if we enable the sequential numbering profile option.
Invoice Audit Listing
This report to audit invoices for duplicates. We should audit invoices periodically to ensure control of invoice payments. We can sort this listing in six different ways. For example we may want to only audit invoices over $500. We can specify a minimum invoice amount, and sort invoices by amount then the supplier name and date.
Invoice Audit Report
This report lists invoices that appear as potential duplicates according to several criteria. One criterion we specify is the number of characters in the invoice number which two or more invoice have in common. The report lists invoices which meets this criteria and have the same invoice amount, the same invoice date, and same supplier. We can limit the search by checking for duplicate invoices within a time period we specify.
Invoice History Report
The invoice history report is needed to justify the balance for a given range of invoices. It helps us to quickly identify and review a detailed list of all activities pertaining to a specific invoice including all payments, gain/loss, credit , debit memos and discounts.
It also helps us to identify activities on prepayments and credit ,debit memos.
The balance of the invoices in then summed for each supplier site for each supplier and for the entire report.
Invoice on Hold Report
This report to review detailed information about invoices on hold. We can submit the approval process before submitting this report to obtain the most up to date hold info. To obtain additional detail for invoices on matching hold, we can submit the matching hold detail report.
This report is divided into three sections. The first section gives us supplier , invoice, purchase order, amount and hold information for each invoice o hold. Payables subtotals the invoices on hold by supplier or by hold code. The subtotal information includes the number of invoices, total original amount and total amount remaining for the invoices on hold. The report does not include cancelled invoices.
Second section, invoice hold code description, lists all predefined and user defined hold codes that are in the first section of report, description of each code and whether the hold allows posting. The third section the report, invoices with no exchange rates lists foreign currency invoices without exchange rates.
Invoice Register
This report shows detailed information about invoices.
We can use this report to view the offsetting liability accounts that payable creates for each invoice distribution when our approve an invoice. Payables orders the report by invoice currency and invoice batch name. Within the currency and batch name the report orders by the supplier name and invoice number.
Posted Invoice Register
This report to review invoices posted in particular period. We post invoices by submitting the payable transfer to general ledger program. The posted invoice register lists each accounts payable liability account and the invoice posted to the account along with the supplier and amount information for each invoice listed.
Payables displays the invoice amount and posted distribution amount in the invoice currency. Payables also displays the posted distribution amount in our functional currency for easier reconciliation with our general ledger. We can also use this report to reconcile variances between an invoice amount and its distribution amount. Variances can result from reversing distribution or correcting entries.
Invoice Validation Report
This invoice validation report to review the total number of matching and variance holds that payables applies and releases after we submit invoice validation. If we use budgetary control payables also lists any funds control holds.
Matching Hold Detail Report
This matching hold detail report to review detailed accounts payables and purchasing information for invoices with matching holds and matching hold releases. We can print this report before initiating a payment batch to determine whether to manually release any invoices for payment. We can print this report for all invoices with matching hold and releases during a time period we specify, or we can print this report to review only invoices with matching holds applied or released since the last time we submitted for approval.
Open Items Revaluation Report
This report to revaluate our open items, for example invoices, prepayments and credit memos and debit memos that are not fully paid. This report takes into account the changes of the value due to changes in the foreign currency rates.
Recurring Invoices Report
This report to review recurring invoice templates we defined during a specific time period. We can review this report to determine the amount we have authorized for a recurring invoice template, how much we have released, and the next amount we have scheduled. The report also lists the number of periods remaining for a recurring invoice and the next period we have scheduled.
This report lists recurring invoice templates by supplier and supplier site.
Oracle Receivables Key Tables
The table links accounting information with our receivable activities. Possible types of activities include Adjustment, Possible type of activities includes Adjustment, Miscellaneous cash and finance charges. If type is miscellaneous Cash, we can associate either a distribution set of standard accounting flexfield to our receivable activity. Oracle Receivable uses one row for each activity. We use our receivable activities to speed receipt etnry and generate finance charges.
This table stores all accounting entries for our cash and credit memo applicaitons. Each row includes the amount applied, status and accounting flexfield information. Possible statuses of our applicaiton include APP, UNAPP, ACC and UNIND. We use this infromation to determine the applications of our payments or creditmemos. Confirmed_FLAG is denormalization from AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL. If the cash receipt is not confirmed, the applications of that receipt are not reflected in the payment schedule of the transaction it is applied against. There are two kinds of applicaitons : Cash and CM. This is stored in the column Applicaiton_Type.Cash applicaitons represent applications of a cash receipt. When a cash receipt is initially created, a row is created in this table that has a status of UNAPP for the amount of the cash receipt. Each subsequent application creates two rows one with a status of APP for the amount being applied tot he invoice and one with status UNAPP for the negative of the amount being applied. If you reverse a cash applicaiton a row with status APP with the inverse amount of the original application is created.
The payment_schedule_id and the cash_receipt_id of this record identify the receipt. The applied_payment_schedule_id and the aplied_customer_trx_id of this record identify the on amount credit that we are combining with the receipt. The primary key for this table is Receivable_Applicaiton_Id, which uniquely identifies the transaction that created the row.
This table stores the accounting records for revenue , unearned revenue and unbilled receivables for each invoice for credit memo line. Each row includes the GL account and the amount of the accounting entry. The amount column in this table is required even through it is null allowed.
This table stores all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. Oracle Receivables updates this table when acitivity occurs against an invoice debit memo, charge back, credit memo, on account credit or receipt. Oracle receivable groups different transactions by the column class. These classes include invoice, debitmemos, guarantees, deposits, creditmemos, chargebackas and receipts.